Thursday, December 22, 2011

What my family and I do

Not all Fijians calibrate x-mas but they do take advantage of the holiday season it self. My family and I get together on many holiday occasions to not take part in the theme or culture of the holiday, but just to hangout and do our thing. During x mas time we do give presents and a few of us set up a thing is for sure, we all will see each other. We all cook something and meet at my older uncles house or meet at the store my parents own to spend a couple hours together. Im sure this x mas we will get together and celebrate x mas in our style and fun.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nick, I'm enjoying reading your blog posts. Your family has an interesting way of spending the holidays. I say that because my family does the same thing, besides that fact that we eat lots of food. Also I adore your layout.
